Be part of something meaningful

We are committed to community care

Everyone deserves access to great health care and support. It's why we deliver free first aid classes to WA school students through our First Aid Focus program. It's why we've created our Community First Responder Program, connected to 10,231 community defibrillators and counting. And it's why we support vulnerable communities with training, transport and care so they have help when it's needed most.

We also deliver the world's largest emergency ambulance service by geographic footprint (covering 2.5 million sq kms) which stretches all the way from Christmas Island to Albany, from Eucla to Kununurra.

Our services also include:

Where you could fit

You may be thinking this all takes a lot of people power - and you’d be right! Our state-wide team of 56,733 people includes:

St John employees

We employ 2,800 amazing paramedics, patient transport officers, first aid trainers, communications officers, and administration and support staff.

St John volunteers

We couldn’t do what we do without 6000 generous volunteers who donate over 236,000 hours each year: from running country ambulances, providing first aid at public events, delivering community transport for the vulnerable, to teaching first aid and becoming Community First Responders.

Community First Responders

With 47,933 Community First Responders, members of the community can act as spontaneous Community First Responders during moments of crisis.

Every employee and volunteer plays an essential role as we deliver our care.

Our values


Lead with heart

We are proudly inclusive and treat everyone with kindness and respect. We know that being kind means having courageous conversations. We listen without judgement and respond with humility. We care because we are passionate about what we do.


Think team

We inspire and support each other to do the very best. We challenge each other to learn, develop and grow in a safe environment. We know that our diverse backgrounds and experiences make us stronger. Proud and united in purpose, we are one St John WA.


Make it better

We put our people and community at the centre of everything we do. We take the lead and strive for continuous improvement and excellence. We are curious and find new ways to deliver better outcomes. We show courage to think differently and never lose sight of the big picture.


Walk the talk

We are reliable and follow through on our commitments. We own our mistakes and deliver on our promises. We build genuine relationships and communicate clearly, honestly and proactively. We do what is right, every time, no matter what.