Transport Services

Patient Transfer & Community Transport

Bunbury Transport service

Patient Transfer.

We help you meet your patient's needs.

Our Patient Transfer Service offers low, medium or high acuity transport dependent upon the patient's needs. We offer a range of transport options tailored to the need of our clients, which include: 

  • Wheelchair service for people requiring mobility support
  • Stretcher service for non-ambulant people
  • Complex Patient Ambulance for bariatric patients and people with complex medical conditions
  • Car service for mobile people that are unable to drive and need assistance to appointments


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Bunbury Transport service

Community Transport.

We're on this journey together. 

For so many, a reliable means of transport is a significant challenge that makes getting to and from appointments a stressful experience. Our Community Transport Service aims to fill that void by providing a door to door service to people who are unable to use public transport or their usual means of transportation. The service can be used to travel to community centres and medical appointments, without having to rely on the help of loved ones.

All you need to do is call our dedicated team at least 24 hours prior to your appointment and we will organise the rest.

Metro serviceRegional service